Maureen Phalen, MA

My mom and grandmother instilled in me the value of higher education and how life-changing it could be intellectually, professionally, and financially. Those messages deeply resonated with me. My mom and dad were first generation college-educated; I witnessed how their educational backgrounds significantly improved their, and my siblings, lives. So, I was inspired to guide and support others as they aspire to achieve their educational dreams. It’s my vocation – my “calling” –and my passion.

Professional Highlights

Co-Founder and Partner (Emerita), The Admission Advisory Group

Assistant Director of MBA Admission, and Director of Student Life at Stanford Graduate School of Business (4 years)

Director of Graduate Admission at the University of San Diego (5 years)

Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions at the University of San Francisco (2 years)

Past Secretary/Treasurer of the Western Association of College Admission Counselors (WACAC)

22 years of graduate and undergraduate admission experience at three California universities

Educational Background

Maureen holds a BA in Psychology from the University of San Diego and an MA in Educational Administration from the University of San Francisco.

Outside work

Outside work, Maureen enjoys equestrian sports and her Arabian horse, FAR Francisco Bey, cycling (favorite: the California AIDS Ride), San Diego’s beaches, and completing DIY projects. She grew up in Phoenix, Arizona.

See What Our Clients Are Saying

I wanted to thank you again for the advice you’ve given me over the past four years (that we’ve worked together to develop and strengthen my business school candidacy). I cannot express how excited I am to be studying at a place like MIT Sloan. My applications were far better and my interviews went smoother as a result of your guidance, so thank you. I hope to have the chance to meet you sometime in person.”

MIT Sloan Admit

This thank you letter is overdue, but in such a weird year (of the pandemic), the extra time of letting the Stanford news of acceptance sink in has really underscored what an anchor and a bright light of focus, hope, and teamwork our weekly calls were. You quickly became so much more of a life advisor to me than an application advisor in what was a really transitional year for me with a new job and international assignment. I felt so prepared by you, and to have your positivity in my corner was a tremendous gift that frankly got me through. What an honor to get the great news of my Stanford acceptance, and a new life trajectory with the GSB – a pipe dream I really did not think was possible.”

Stanford GSB Admit

As I depart for school, I wanted to say thank you again for all of your guidance, support, and wise advice. Keep doing what you’re doing for everyone who is lucky enough to work with you!”

Wharton Admit

I hope you are well! I just wanted to thank you again for all your advice and the time spent over the last few months guiding me through my business school application process. I really enjoyed working with you as I crafted my application and Lisa’s advice during the mock interview was spot on. Specifically, thank you for keeping me organized amidst all the craziness and for being flexible. I can sincerely say that the experience not only challenged me to think about my story from a fresh lens, but also equipped me with the knowledge to tackle business school and beyond. I would not have been admitted to the Stanford GSB, my dream school, without you, and I truly appreciate it.”

Stanford GSB Admit

Very happy to share that I was accepted to HBS and to Stanford GSB! I’m going to take the day to enjoy this accomplishment before turning to the decision now at hand! What a journey! Many thanks for being my “sherpa” as we navigated the business school application mountain together.”


GOOD NEWS FROM HBS (in addition to Stanford, MIT, Wharton, and Darden!!!).”


Thank you for helping me gain admission to my #1 choice MBA program: Columbia Business School! I am thrilled to be going there, and this opportunity is a dream come true.”

Columbia Business School Admit

I truly believe that my interactions with all of you not only provided a foundation for the application creation, but also, and more importantly, structured a platform for MY life at business school and beyond. I’m geared up for the next two years in large part because I was able to relate through my application and interviews who I am and what I hope to become. Thank you all for a phenomenal experience and I hope we continue to stay in touch into the future.”

Tuck Admit